I'm so glad Dallas and I got to see some of our good friends last night! It's been a long time! We got some delicious thai food! I got a really good noodle soup and Dallas got a vegetable tempura. That boy has an obsession with vegetables! He's always eating them! haha. But I love it :).

So Dallas and I are STILL trying to finish decorating our apartment! We need to finish painting the kitchen, bathroom, and our bedroom. We are getting a new dresser and tv stand for our room and we need to get some wall art and a chair and a lamp. Is it totally lame to do a Paris theme for our bedroom? Or is that too childish? haha.

I have no idea what to hang up on my stupid kitchen wall! AHH! lol. Here's a picture of it...any suggestions?
We still need to paint it so it doesn't look to fabulous right now, I know..

But we're trying to hurry and get this done before my mom and brother comes up in a week or so. I'm really excited to see them soon! I can't believe my little brother is about to leave on his mission! That's insane! He's growing up so fast! Both of my brothers are. 

So this is NOT an announcement or anything but Dallas and I go through baby names every single day that would go with Reynolds. Of course we always hope for pink but we'd be happy with blue too....when the time comes! Please know I'M NOT PREGNANT! I know this could be soo misconstrued! lol. Anyway, we have LAME baby names! So I'd love suggestions for the future! ;)

Well I get my phone call tonight for the verdict of whether I get the Orthodontic Assistant job or not! Prayers please! I need this job. I have a good feeling about it..but prayers never hurt. If I get this job I get my DSLR camera!! :D and I can get started on my photography business...speaking of...

I have no idea where to begin! I don't know where to go to school...I just...I don't know where to begin haha. But this is something I've ALWAYS wanted to do...ever since I was little and my neighbor and I did a photo shoot for her puppies in a wagon haha. I would love some friendly advice on how to get this started...I've wanted to ask my photographer friends....but I'm worried they'll like judge me or think of me as competition...which I wouldn't know why cause I'm not where near where they are. 

Have a great day my loves :) 

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