I really just need to vent! I know it's kind of annoying when people vent but I need something to vent to so why not to my blog! lol!
#1 I really hate it when people refuse to buy new things...especially if the old thing they own is FALLING APART!! I know some people can't afford to and that's fine...but I'm talking about people who can and just want to run their crap into the ground. Stop being stubborn with your money! What are you going to think when you're 50 and look back on your life? "Oh yeah I really lived! I had a piece of crap car that squealed as soon as you hit the gas and nearly blew up on the freeway, I had a boat that leaked and nearly sank, I had the first cell phone ever invented and all I could do was make calls on it and even then it would constantly drop calls. It was AWESOME!" I know people are going to disagree with me on this buuuut you can't tell me about how I feel! Sorry! lol. But it drives me NUTS!
#2 Stop posting about how much you are in LOVE with your boyfriend or spouse! We get it! You're happy! I don't mind the occasional "My husband is wonderful" or "I love my boyfriend" But on EVERY SINGLE STATUS?? Is it necessary? And there are just somethings that we really don't need to know about your relationship! So please don't post it all over facebook....we don't care if your boyfriend cheated on you, or if you and your husband got into a fight, or that your husband is sexy....I mean really....you're only embarrassing yourself by posting such personal things all over a public site!
#3 I hate it when people take pictures of themselves...and I mean ALL the time! Yes I take the occasional picture of myself like when I want to show off my new hair cut or color whatever.....but when you are posting several pictures of yourself all over facebook all day everyday....you got some issues...and I hate it when they try to look sexy! Oooo let me take a picture of myself biting the end of my glasses....because people care!...No we don't!
#4 and final one. DRAMA! I really hate it when people go out of their way to cause drama because they need to make people feel as miserable as they are. Guess what dude, I graduated high school and I got married! I'm no longer interested in your childish games! So leave me out of it! Don't text me and cause problems...because I DON'T CARE! I don't want to fight with you..I don't care about all of the negative things that are constantly going on in your life! and please do not randomly text me out of the blue and say "I'm moving far away thanks for being my friend bye" All I'm going to say is "Ok, have a nice life! bye!" Or I just won't text you back!
Now, you can all say I'm causing drama with this post...and that's fine....but I'm not calling anyone out individually...and if you get angry at my post...well I guess that you are annoying! lol. Ok, I'm done venting.....This post is only about a few people....and I doubt they ever look at my blog so don't worry if you're reading this post....it's not about you. lol
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You have gone MIA on me text me!!
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