Certified Nursing Assistant

I am now officially a Certified Nursing Assistant! I am so excited! You have to complete 85 hours of school in order to be certified. But, it was well worth it. Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. for 2 weeks in the classroom. And 2 clinical days 5:45 a.m.-2:30 p.m.

The clinical days were my favorite part. The people we take care of are amazing and I already love them and I can't wait to continue working with more of them :).

For those of you who don't know what a CNA is here is a link http://www.ehow.com/about_5369805_certified-nursing-assistant-do.html

This is the start of me possibly becoming a Medical Assistant or a Registered Nurse. Thanks everyone for the support through this process. It's going to be great! :)

My cute hubby framed it for me :). He was so proud!

Need a CNA? You know who to call! :)

Valentines Day!

Hey Everyone! Sorry I've been pretty bad about updating this thing. So Valentines Day was pretty much perfect. We went all out this year with the gifts and for a few days it looked like cupid threw up on our table. We went to Outback for dinner and that was DELISH. And then we came home and watched Valentines Day and snuggled :)
I have the bestest hubby ever! He is such a sweetie and soo creative and romantic! :). Here are some pics! :)

This big mess is from me to Dallas
I made these delicious looking morsels :)
Gorgeous flowers hubby got me :)

Dallas got me this book and he printed off our names and replaced all of the bunnies names in the book with our names. How stinkin cute is that???

So cute! and creative. I love him :)
Hope everyone had a great Valentines Day! :) Thank you to my amazing, perfect husband. I love him so much. He is absolutely wonderful and I couldn't have asked for a better man to spend eternity with! :)