What a fun Labor Day weekend! It was soo fun! Fishing, hiking, camping, boating, tubing, wake boarding! It was such a blast! And, I got to spend it all with my amazingly perfect hubby! But, I woke up sooo sore today! Holy crap! My butt, my lower back, my arms! I can barely move! Obviously I haven't been tubing since I was 17 haha.

I also got to see my dad's side of the family this weekend as well! It wasn't for as long as I would've wanted but life gets busy!

Oh man, my caffeine addiction has reared it's ugly head! I'm craving Dr. Pepper like crazy and it's probably not a good thing! But, oh man do I love it!! I blame it all on this weekend! We've been getting up at like 6am everyday and I've been drinking it to stay awake. I'm so bummed because I've been soo good about not drinking soda and now I have to start all over again. Dang it!

I'm happy because I'm getting a gym membership! Yay! Hopefully this will help me get motivated to work out! I can't work out at home because there's a couch to relax on too close by and I don't like working out outside because it's too bloody hot! So a gym is perfect because it has air conditioning but it only has exercise equipment so I'll have to work out haha!

K, so I'm trying to get into pintrest....I've been seeing it every where and I don't even know what it is or how to do it! But hey why not give it a shot! So if you guys want to help me how to figure it out! Please do! :)

Here's some pictures from the boating trip yesterday :)


Gash Family said...

Aw cute pictures! We went to the lake this weekend too and boy am I soreeee! And it was freeeezing so I got sick. Boo.

Aubster said...

You need to teach me how to use this blog crap. it's confusing. so here i go. I LOVE YOUR PAGE!!! your blog is soooo good and i do read it. in case you haven't noticed I follow your blog. thanks for the shout out btw. :) and i like a lot of your pictures!!! what kind of camera do you use? im excited to see you when we get home. :):):)