I am HORRIBLE at updating this thing....I know. But, I'm trying my best! haha. Well I had my birthday on the 12th! BIG 21! Woop Woop! I was EXTREMELY spoiled on that day! Dallas got me a massage to start with and it was marvelous! I really really needed it. Then I went to lunch with my Mom-in-law to some pizza, pasta, salad place and it was delicious! I got Fettuccine Alfredo! Mmmm! Then I just came home and chilled for a little while I waited for the hubby to get home. When Dallas got home I opened some presents from him, which consisted of, black boots, Couples Retreat, a new blowdryer, some sweet skinny jeans, and of course I had my massage earlier that day. Then we went to the ever so delicious Rodizio Grill with my awesome aunt and uncle Kim and Chris. It was soo sweet! At Rodizio there are a bunch of waiters walking around with big skewers of meat and they just keep bringing it to your table until you put this little red thing up to have them stop and there's a delicious salad bar! Mmm! I tried some rattlesnake and a chicken heart! It was interesting and soo so fun and delicious! Then the next night we had a little birthday party with some of our friends. It was so fun! My husband did such a good job! I felt so spoiled! I love him so much! :)
Last week we went to Texas for Thanksgiving! It was soo great to see my family! I get to see them about once or twice a year because they live so far away. It was a much needed vacation. My mom makes the most delicious Thanksgiving dinner! She makes everything from scratch and it all just melts in your mouth! Dallas about died because it was so good. One of her famous dishes are her candied yams which she makes with sweet potatoes instead of yams and she puts this amazing glaze over them. Oh my gosh, it literally tastes like candy. It's so so good. We went and saw Harry Potter 7 after dinner, this was mine and Dal's second time around. And of course it was just as good! :). My mom had to leave for Arizona the next morning for a funeral :(. But we got to spend some time with my dad. We went to Cheddars, which is Dallas's favorite place, and then after we went to Santa Land. Santa Land is in the woods and it's basically just a bunch of really cool lights. Dallas totally loved it. We went shopping for black friday that morning because we needed to get presents since we were celebrating Christmas with my family on Monday. It was pure Madness. Sunday night Dallas, my brother, and I went and played apples to apples and what if with some of my friends from the ward and that was so fun. It was great to be reunited again. Monday my mom flew back and we went to Mercadoes, my favorite restaurant EVER, it has homemade tortillas and tortilla chips and salsa that you get for free at the first. So, so good. Then we celebrated Christmas with my family. My parents got Dallas and I a picture book filled with wedding pictures and quotes and it was so sweet. :). Unfortunately, I only got to see my mom for a few days but we're driving to Arizona this summer because my parents will be there to visit my extended family.
As some of you may know, my sweet Aunt Candace passed away on Monday the 22nd of November. She was one of my absolute best friends and I love her so much. My cousin Lauren had her baptism on Saturday the 20th and my Aunt Candace and her boyfriend went to her apartment. My aunt went to take a nap on the couch while her boyfriend took a nap in her room. A couple of hours later her boyfriend, Joe, woke up and went to do the dishes for her. When he had finished he went to check on Candace because he was confused as to why the noise he was making didn't wake her up. He kept trying to wake her up but Candace wouldn't open her eyes. Joe called my Grandma and she told him to quickly hang up the phone and call 911. Once the paramedics arrived they pronounced Candace dead at the scene. But because of her age, 32, they were required to do everything again so they tried to start her heart. After 40 minutes they got it to start beating again. They were worried about the amount of brain damage she might have because of the amount of time her brain may have gone without oxygen so they life flighted her to the heart hospital. They put her on life support and put her body into hypothermia which would prevent anymore brain damage if her brain was still functioning. On Monday they took her out of the hypothermia and did some tests and she had no brain activity what so ever so my family had to take her off of life support. Candace dealt with many physical and emotional struggles in her life. She was born with her legs folded against her chest and clubbed feet. She had other complications and the doctors told my grandparents to take Candace home and love her because they wouldn't have long with her and if she lived she would never be able to walk. My grandpa stood up and said, "That is not your decision to make, do not underestimate her." Candace had casts put on her legs and she pulled herself up one day on a plastic shopping cart and taught herself how to walk. Once she learned without the cart Candace no longer walked to where she wanted to go, she ran. Everywhere. At the age of 10 Candace was diagnosed with cancer, one that very rarely any child survives, but Candace was determined and she fought hard! There is a precious picture of Candace and I when I was a baby. She was bald from cancer and I was bald because I was a baby. We were both wearing cute red outfits and adorable red bows on our bald heads. It's my absolute favorite picture in the entire world. Candace, of course survived the cancer and continued to live her life. Candace always beat the odds. She was a fighter, she was determined, she was so special. Candace always had a loving, caring heart. She loved her family and was always determined to keep them close no matter what. Not a day went by where I didn't get a phone call, or a text message. And now my life feels empty without it. I am going to miss hearing or seeing "Hi Sweetheart" every day. I am at peace with the fact that Candace is no longer in pain. Her body was a burden to her and now "She is in heaven dancing around with her perfect legs", Julie Lowder. Candace you will be dearly missed. You brought light to everyones life around you. I am going to miss your beautiful smile and positive attitude and your pure love for life. I love you

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