
I went to the Health Spot today to get the results for my progesterone and got some pretty depressing news. I'm not even ovulating. No wonder I haven't gotten pregnant. It's a common cause of infertility. INFERTILITY! UGGHHHH!!!!!!

Pam is going to try to help me start ovulating again. She's put me on medication and supplements to get my progesterone up. I'm hardly producing any of it.


The fact that I was late on my period was a true blessing though. I know that's weird to think, but if I hadn't have been late I wouldn't have figured this out for a long time.

A few years ago I got a similar test saying I wasn't producing enough progesterone then. They put me on progesterone cream but I stopped taking it cause it was making me gain weight and because I didn't think it was a big deal. NO ONE TOLD ME THAT IT MEANT I WASN'T OVULATING!

Please, PLEASE send your prayers. I really need to start ovulating. I need to get pregnant. We need to have a baby.

I appreciate and love all of you.


The Thomas Family said...

I am having and have had the same problem. I had to be put on Clomid to get pregnant with Morgan. We tried for almost 8 months before I finally became pregnant with her and now I'm having the same problem again. We are not trying to get pregnant again yet but we are trying to get all my "issues" under control before we get to that point. My progesterone was Menopausal low last time I had it checked. I just had it checked again last Friday and haven't gotten the results back. I know the whole process of getting pregnant can be very tough. If you need anyone to talk to about it just know I've been there and I understand.

Brady Bunch said...

I love you! I hope everything goes well!