One year! ONE YEAR! I can't believe we have been married for one year! And, it's been the BEST year of my life! We've learned sooo much about each other and we've grown so close and I honestly fall more and more in love with him everyday! I am such a lucky woman to have him to spend eternity with. I pray and tell Heavenly Father how thankful I am for him every night. It's funny, now that we've been married a year everyone is asking us "So, when are you gonna start having kids?". Well that is a good question. If we get it our way maybe not for another year. But we may not get it our way lol. Cause, Heavenly Father can change that if he wants to. (Am, I secretly hoping that he does?? YES!) lol. I would LOVE a mini Dallas and Breanna running around :))). It makes me feel soo giddy inside just thinking about it. Thank you everyone for the love and support we needed to get married and for the love and support through our marriage. Can't wait for the years (eternity) to come! :))
1 comment:
Oh wow, Time sure flies by fast. I can hardly believe you guys have been married a year! It feels like yesterday that we were standing outside the temple on that beautiful snowy day watching you both come out of the building absolutely glowing! It has been fun to be a part of your first year journey. Cheers to many, many more wonderful years together. You guys make a great couple and we're so happy for you both.
Susie, Mike and family
P.S. Now as far as having babies, if you want tips on how to make a girl, then call me up, girlfriend, because apparently that's all we make! If you want tips on how to make a boy, then you'd best check with Dallas' mom. =)
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