It's all on the Lords Time

Life has been so crazy lately! I swear I never feel like I have time to myself anymore. I work 40 hours a week and I have a calling as the Secretary in the Primary Presidency in Church that I'm always trying to catch up on and of course my most important calling, I'm a wife to an amazing man! As blessed as I am to be able to have a full time job and be married and be a member to a wonderful church, it's gets exhausting!Phew! I just need to lay down and breath! haha.

I try not to talk about things that are too personal online. But it's hard, especially when you just want support. (not, rude and unwanted opinions). Dallas and I are wanting to have a mini Reynolds! We have been since November but unfortunately, no luck so far. Some people would say, " Oh come on, it hasn't been that long." True, to other people maybe not. But to us it seems like forever and it gets discouraging. That's one of the reasons I've been going to that lady at The Health Spot. (see post below) And, we get more impatient when more and more people are getting pregnant. Everyone keeps asking us, "When are you guys going to start having a family?" I know they're not trying to be insensitive or hurt my feelings but I just wanna say, Well we're doing as much as we can! haha. Anyways, we could use some prayers. I really feel like my true calling in this life is to be a wife and mother. I need to remember that it's all on the Lords time and that when he's ready to send that little spirit down to us he will. I'm trying to put all of my faith and trust in Him but, I'm only human and one of my huge flaws is that I'm extremely impatient. But, like I said...I'M TRYING! haha. But I think this quote says it all. 

I've been reading the Hunger Games! Holy crap! LOVE THESE BOOKS! I'm getting started on the last one tonight. I can't believe it took me this long to read them. I kept starting to read them but I was just kind of like eh, but everyone kept telling me READ IT! So, finally I was like, ok just read it! And, I couldn't put it down! I'm glad I have another series to obsess about now that I've read all of the Harry Potter Books and Twilight books 500 times and the Harry Potter movies are over and now the Twilight movies are almost over too...even though the Twilight movies SUCK.....I still go see them because I like the books! Dallas and I saw Hunger Games and loved it! Dallas never read the books so he was freaking out the whole time. He leaned over and was like "Can we pause this for a second? I need to breath!" haha. It was cute! 

Well, I got to finish cleaning the house and then Hubby will be home! :). Today's my day off and I have a few more hours to enjoy it! :). Love you everyone! 


It's been a while since I've posted on here. I've been so busy with work that I just come home and crash! So, Let's see if I can catch everyone up on a few things!

First of all, Dallas and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary on the 5th of this month! Holy cow! I can't believe it's been two years! Time flies! I still remember our first date. We went dirt biking that morning and then to the festival of colors and the whole time there was just this comfort between us. I felt like I'd known him forever, as if he had been my best friend for years. We held hands and kissed and we didn't leave each others side the whole day! And that was the beginning of our whirl wind romance! We fell in love very quickly and I love him even more now. I didn't even think that was possible but it is! One our anniversary I woke up that morning and Dallas led me into the kitchen and on the table was a container of Hot Chocolate (yes!) and a purple box. In the purple box was a mug that said "We did then, We do now." And the handle made a heart. There's a picture down below! I loved it! Then that night we went to Madeline's for dinner. It's a super nice steakhouse, like Outback but fancier haha. Dallas gave me this gorgeous tennis bracelet! And it's real! I was so surprised and I wear it everyday. And I got Dallas a really nice Nixon Rotolog Dark Wood. I know, wife of the year ;). Then we decided to go bowling! I was horrible of course. I got so many gutter balls it was sad haha. The bowling alley has an arcade area so we just decided to kill some time over there and we won over a thousand tickets. We just all of these tiny ridiculous toys haha. We went home after and Dallas turned on our song that we danced to at our wedding, "Then" by Brad Paisley, and danced with me. :). It was really sweet. Here's some pictures of mine and Dallas's presents

Dal's brother Cody got married on the 15th of this month to his new wife Kim. We are really happy for them! I'm excited that I finally get a sister! Haha. They were sealed in the Salt Lake City Temple and the sealing was beautiful. The spirit was very strong, we know they're meant to be together. Congrats to Cody and Kim! Best wishes for a wonderful Eternity!

So, I thought I'd share something things going on with me right now. I have a health disorder called endometriosis. If you're not sure what that is here's a link: Endometriosis.. It's not very pleasant. One of the side affects is infertility. Dallas and I are not worried about it though because my mom has it and I have many family members who have it and they all have children. But it causes me a lot of unbearable pain. It causes me to miss work, church, activities, etc. I've dealt with it since I was 15 and it just gets progressively worse. I've gone to the emergency room for it before because the pain was so awful I thought I had something else seriously wrong with me. Well, I started going to this woman at this place called The Health Spot. It's all natural. She specializes in things like endometriosis, auto immune disorders, anxiety, depression and much more. Well I suffer from 3 out of 4 of those and ever since I've been going to her I've started feeling soo much better! My mood swings have improved, my anxiety and depression. Everything. I'm starting to feel better physically too! I think it's going to take a little bit to feel 100% better with the pain. But it's lessening. She also helps with people who are struggling to get pregnant so that's a bonus for us! It's amazing and I love it!

Anyway, there are so many more things that I want to post but I'm running out of time! I have to go to work in a couple of hours and then Dallas and I get to see a private screening of The Hunger Games!! So excited! I just finished the book last night! So I'm more excited now! haha! 

I promise to get better about posting! Love you all! :)