Butterfly Kisses...

Scroll down and press play on the playlist...idk why it's not playing automatically.

Happy Fathers Day to my most Amazing Dad! I have been so blessed to have him as my daddy! He has always been there for me! I've always been able to turn to him for the most personal things and have never once felt embarrassed or had the impression that he was either haha. He truly is amazing. He has helped me to stay on the right path my whole life. He is the reason I married such an amazing man because I wanted a husband with the same wonderful qualities as my Dad.

My dad has always been very kind and loving. He has been there for me through extremely tough times. He has endured many annoying phone calls from me asking for help and advice and he is always more than willing to listen and to guide me through.

He is amazing leader. People just follow him and listen to him with such intensity. It's amazing. I always noticed when he spoke in church he honestly held EVERYONE'S attention. Normally you'll have the few people snoozing or playing on their cell phones...but not when my dad spoke. All eyes were on him. He truly has the ability to capture attention.

There are 2 memories I have of my dad that I will never forget. The first one was when I was packing up to move for college. My closet was completely empty and he just stood in there and said, "This shouldn't be happening yet." I remember getting so emotional after he said that. I could see all of his love for me right in that moment.
The second one was the daddy, daughter dance at my wedding to Butterfly Kisses. Those who were there during that moment saw how emotional I was. I instantly started bawling. I realized in that moment how much I love my daddy and how much of a daddy's girl I really am.

My dad truly is an amazing man. I couldn't have asked for a better father. I love him so much and am so truly blessed. I LOVE YOU DADDY!!

Found a new love :)

I've always ALWAYS been interested in photography! I was on the yearbook in 8th grade and I remember around that same time my neighbor and I tried to take "professional" pictures of her puppies and it all sparked my interest. I fell in love with it! I was always under the impression that you needed a professional camera in order to take these pictures....but Dallas bought me just a simple Samsung camera and I took a picture with it and I was like "Wow, that was actually pretty good." So, I kept taking more pictures and I was lovin how they were turning out! It made me realize it's not about the Camera!! So I've taken quite a bit of pictures and I just wanted to share some with ya! :)


I've been getting soo bad at updating this thing! I guess lately I just haven't had many exciting things happen! lol. Well Dallas and I went to the Zoo on Saturday! It was so fun! I've been wanting to go for months now and we FINALLY got to go! Here's some pictures :)

I just thought the way this squirrel was sitting was so cute :)

Dallas's long lost father... ;)

Twinners! :)

It's soo hard to be me ;)

This monkey was my favorite! It reminded us of the Grinch haha

Love him :)