Update on Amanda
Amanda ended up having 4 surgeries and was in an induced coma to heal. She had a fever of over 100. They took her off of dialysis and on Monday morning they took her out of the coma! :). She still has a breathing tube down her throat and she's still critical. But they're removing the breathing tube today which is great! The Willinghams/Lloyds are so thankful for all of the prayers and the blood donated to help Amanda. She's on the road to recovery. She's a fighter! Thank you everyone! :)
Amanda Lloyd

My best friends sister Amanda, who is also my dear friend, just had a baby boy on Monday named Rhett Lloyd. She had a c-section because both her and the baby were in distress due to Amanda having fatty liver pregnancy. Rhett swallowed some fluids and went to the nicu to be monitored due to high fevers. Amanda was sent to the ICU because her kidneys and liver weren't functioning properly and they were preparing to put her on dialysis. A tube had to be put down her throat because she was only breathing 10% on her own. The next day (today) she had two surgeries to remove fluid build up and her gallbladder and appendix. She is in critical condition right now and we're all hoping for the best. Right now her family is asking for blood donations in her name. She is O+ and even if your not that blood type she can still get credits. Please donate at Carter Blood Center. And please please pray for her. Rhett is very healthy now and doing well. Now we're just waiting for Amanda to make a full recovery. We'll be having a special fast and prayer for her tomorrow. So please participate.
4th of Juuuly!
We had a great 4th of July! We went to a parade on Saturday morning and had a scrumptious Mcdonalds breakfast! Nothin better. Then we packed up our things and went to the great BEAR LAKE!! We just set up camp when we got there...we didn't go out on the boat because it was a little chilly. Sunday we went over to Dal's aunt and uncles cabin(sorry mansion) for his uncles birthday. We ate some cake and shot off some fireworks and I got attacked by a bat...it was marvelous. We attempted to go to an awesome cave but we got there at closing time and they were done so that was a bummer. Monday we went out on the boat. The water was FREEZING cold...but yet it was still way fun. Unfortunately my camera died over the weekend so I didn't get any pictures :-/. Buuuutttt, we're going back on the 24th so I will make up for it! :). But here are some pics of the parade.

It was a little early for me but hey...it's the 4th :)
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