I'm sure there are plenty of people wondering how he proposed so I'll just post it on here! We went to Mimi's Cafe with the family and Dallas told me he wanted to hang out that night cause he was leaving on Tuesday morning. So I asked mom if we could use our aunts car and she said no so he was thinking "Oh, crap." lol. Well, when we got to the hotel we went through the center of the hotel and there's a river with coi fish and a gazebo and trees and Christmas lights and he kept asking me, "This is pretty romantic huh?" I was like, "Yes Dallas!" lol. Well he suggested we go up to the room and change our clothes and then we can hang out downstairs. Well we ended up in the gazebo and he was kissing me and I giggled and he was like "What?" and I told him it was funny how I still get butterflies when he kisses me. So he said, "What if I do this?" and he kissed me on the forehead and I told him yes. Then he kissed me on the cheek and said, "What about that?" and I told him yes. Then he said, "What if I do this?" and he got down on one knee. I started laughing cause earlier that day he jokingly did that while we were at the temple. But all of a sudden he pulled a box out of his pocket with my ring inside!! I freaked out! I was just gasping and saying, "Oh my gosh!" over and over. He finally looked at me impatiently and I was like, "OH! YES!" haha. So there's the story. I thought it was perfect. There are many ways I have pictured being proposed to. But, this was perfect. :)
We will be married on September 19th in the Salt Lake Temple! :)
So here are some pictures of the ring and some pictures from California when we were in front of the New Port Temple. :). Tell me what you think!