Here's how I see it...

Sorry everyone! It's been a while since I've posted on here! I know you all care so much right ;). Anyway, I was lying in bed last night thinking about random things when something came to my mind. I'm so tired of girls complaining about how they're tired of these guys just using them for physical purposes or when they don't put out they just dump them.

I've found the solution.

Women need to respect themselves more in order for men to respect them as a human being rather than an object. I see all of these pictures online all the time that these girls post of them in lingerie or totally wasted or posting all of these derogatory words. I mean do these girls really believe that men are going to want to take them home to meet their mothers? Or be in a committed relationship with them? Or see them in a wedding dress? I honestly don't think so.

It really bothers me to hear all of these songs saying things like "Gettin me all da hoes." No. Women are NOT hoes! We are not something you can just play around with then toss aside like a doll. We are people who have feelings and want to be loved. That being's unfortunately our faults that we are being disrespected like this. Women are all over T.V. in their underwear or dancing around like a stripper or even wearing nothing at all. So men with the brains that they have (sorry but it's true) don't think "Ooo I wanna marry her!" No, they think "Ooo I wanna have sex with her!"

Women are beautiful and kind and compassionate. We're built to be mothers and wives. Not strippers and hookers.

Please girls I beg you. Cover up your bodies. They are temples and should be treated with the up most respect. Don't just show them off like they're nothing. Let men see your heart....not your cleavage.

I understand that women like to feel sexy. But you can do that covering up too. I wore some nice skinny jeans the other day and a really cute modest blouse and I felt really sexy! Honestly! I did! And guess what?? My husband told me I looked sexy too! WHOA!!! Shocking right?? Wrong, men like to sleep with girls in dirty, revealing clothes. But they like to MARRY and BE IN A RELATIONSHIP with women who respect themselves and don't put out and don't wear revealing clothes. It's a proven fact! LOOK IT UP!

I feel like I respect myself. I don't like wearing mini skirts or booty shorts or low cut shirts. I like being modest. I feel like it's more sexy when you keep men guessing. Not that I need to because I have an amazing husband who married me even though I've never worn those revealing clothes in my life! Or said a nasty swear word or have never gotten wasted! It's pretty crazy stuff!

I know this post may make no affect at all or hopefully it may make some people think! That would be awesome! But, I wanted to share my feeling regardless. Because I believe women are amazing people! God created you for a purpose. And that purpose is not to be, well, slutty...sorry but that's the word I thought of. He created you to become wives and mothers. And to respect yourself. Please don't take advantage of that!

Well now that I've rambled on. haha. Please comment and share your opinions about it. I'm a big girl I can take the not so nice ones too ;).

Love you all! :)