Ahh yes! We just got back from the wonderful California and we were also in Arizona for a couple of days! I want to go back to California so bad because I never feel like I did enough! But we did do a lot and it was fun! We went to San Diego and ate at Anthony's Fish Grotto. We went to New Port Beach. We went to Hollywood and that was my favorite part! We hung out with Family and went shopping and ate a lot and it was just soo fun! I met my sweet little cousin Madelyn! We call her Luchie....Don't ask me where that came from haha but it's just cutesy! I just adore her and she made me soo baby hungry! haha! We also went to Arizona for a couple of days and my brother Devin got endowed in the Mesa Temple. It was really neat to see my little brother experience something so wonderful. :) It was truly a blessing.
I want one!! ;)

They called it the Sea Lion Hotel haha.

Sweet Madelyn :)


Johnny Depp!!!

After the Endowment Session :)

I love my husband! I love my Family! I'm just so blessed in my life! :)