I know I'm a day late on this. But I didn't have time to post this yesterday! :(
I'm gonna take this moment to brag and say I have the best mom in the whole entire world! She has helped me through soo much in my life. She was my shoulder I cried on when I didn't get asked to prom or when I liked a boy and he didn't like me back. She was the face I saw in the audience when I was in a play. She was the one right next to me on stage in the Nutcracker. She was the one holding my hand when I broke my arm and had to get stitches in my lip. She was the one who put an ice pack on my back and took care of me when I landed on my back on the railing of the trampoline. She was the the one to kiss my scraped knees and hands when I fell. She was the one who never left my side when I was sick. She was the one to push me out the door when I turned 18 and moved me out so that I could grow up away from the too hard of trials of Tyler, Texas. She was the one I called when I started to fall in love with a very special boy. She was the first person I woke up when Dallas and I got engaged. She was the first person on the plane when Dallas and I postponed our wedding. She was the one right next to me when I received my endowments. And, hers was the first tear of joy that shed at my wedding. I know she will always be there for me. No matter what.
Thank you mom. I love you so much and I am so blessed to have you. I know I can always count on you to help me through anything. Thank you for being my mom.
Happy Mother's Day :)