Wow! I am getting so bad about posting on here! Sometimes I forget that I have a blog. Oops! Must be the pregnancy brain ;).
So, I thought I would just catch everybody up on what's going on. As if I don't post enough on Facebook, right? Anyways, sweet little Emma is still doing good and just kickin away in my belly. She moves like CRAZY! It's amazing! It reassures me everyday that she is healthy and strong and it brings me so much joy. Also, I seriously grow more and more everyday. It's insane! Unfortunately I do have stretch marks :(. Dang you Mom! Stupid genetics! lol. But hopefully they will eventually fade. I've been using lotion like crazy but they say it doesn't always work and in my case it's not. But it's pretty crazy to see this belly on me. I'm not used to it and probably will never get used to it! It just stinks sometimes because I am limited to only a few outfits. Oh and FYI, Maternity clothes are expensive! Holy crap! And it's hard to find cute ones sometimes. That's probably one of the more frustrating things about pregnancy. That and peeing every 5 minutes...
We had a little bit of a scare this week. I was having really bad cramping and it was concerning me. I called the on call doctor and she told me not to worry because they were just growing pains. I said okay and tried to move on but I couldn't. There was just something nagging at me and the cramps just didn't feel right. I've had cramping during this pregnancy but these were different and not in a good way. I went to bed that night and then went to work the next morning and called the OB right at 9 and told them this was not normal and I'd like to get checked. They asked me more in depth questions about how I was feeling and decided to do a urine analysis. I smacked my head and was like OOOHHH!! I probably have a bladder infection!! I didn't even think about it. Sure enough I had a very bad UTI. They put me on an antibiotic and instructed me to rest for the next couple of days. Not doing anything is miserable by the way. I really feel for women who are put on bed rest for weeks or months. I pray that I don't have to endure it. I was going crazy just for a few days. But, I'm feeling better. I did have some spotting one day but my doctor assured me that's common with a UTI and sure enough it went away. I flipped though! Not going to lie. I have made a vow to drink more water and probably make cranberry juice a small part of my diet to try to hopefully prevent UTI's. Cause, that really sucked.
A lot of people will ask me what my cravings are so why not share?
I'm really digging french fries. I try not to give into that craving too much because it's not the healthiest but oh man is it good! haha. I also LOVE hot chocolate! We probably drive to 7-11 everyday to get me one. It's pretty bad. I'm a little obsessed. Also, I love a spoonful of peanut butter! I know that's kind of weird. But I just want the peanut butter! Not on bread, not on crackers, just peanut butter. Last but not least I loves me some cereal. I go through different kinds. I switch from Crunch Berries to Cheerios mostly. I'm sure I have more cravings but these are the ones that stick out to me the most. It's pretty crazy how intense these cravings are. It's literally all you can think about when you crave it. I can't stop talking about it or thinking about it until I have it. Lol.
Well, I'm gonna wrap this up. I need to get to bed. So I'll end with some more pictures of my growing belly! haha.
Oh and here's an updated photo of little Emma! :) Such a cutie already!
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