In honor of Thanksgiving, I wanted to share what I am thankful for. I don't think an Instagram post or Facebook status could do what I want to really say justice.
First and foremost I am thankful to my Heavenly Father. He has truly blessed me and I definitely do not deserve it. I strive to serve him every day but I know I could do better. He has blessed me with a wonderful husband, a beautiful daughter and a loving family, what more could I truly ask for? I am so thankful that Christ atoned for our sins and died so that we might live with Him again. What a wonderful blessing that has been bestowed upon us, that we can be forgiven for our sins. I have needed the atonement several times in my life and I would be lost with out it. I am so thankful for the Gospel and that is has been restored. It has brought me such joy. I am also thankful that we have been blessed with Temples so that we may do the Lords work and that I was able to be sealed to my family for time and all eternity.
I am so very grateful for my loving, hardworking, and smokin hot hubby! He is an amazing man and I am so thankful for him! He works so hard to provide for Emma and I and he loves us so much. I am thankful for the sacrifices he is constantly making for us and which I could carry the burden he has of working a taxing job as well as going to school so that we may have a wonderful future. I never thought I was going to get married because I hated being in relationships! I would complain about wanting a boyfriend and then when I would get one, I would run away screaming after two weeks! I knew Dallas was the one for me when I went through that panic again when we were supposed to get married in 2009. He stood by my side and never doubted for a second that we would be together. He was strong for the both of us and helped me work through my inner turmoil. He has shown me what love truly is, that it is not an emotion but an action. I am so thankful that he loves our Heavenly Father so much. He has always been there to strengthen me when I just felt too exhausted to go to Church. He has shown me the importance of attending our Sunday meetings and to serve The Lord through out the week and be Christ like. I am thankful for the father that he is to our daughter. I can see the love and adoration he has for her and I never thought I could love him anymore than I did, but I do. He stayed strong when I was weak while we were trying to get pregnant. Somedays I had to be the strong one but most days he was holding me up. He is an amazing partner and my best friend and the best dad in the world.
I am thankful for my perfect daughter. She is a true gift from God. She is such a sweet spirit and I couldn't feel more blessed. She has strengthened my testimony in ways that I never though possible. She has brought me closer to my Heavenly Father just by being around. She is such a happy baby. She smiles at everyone and every person we come in contact with, she instantly captures their heart. She has taught me unconditional love and selflessness. I never thought I could love something so much in my life! My heart could literally burst when I'm with her. I never thought I could be a selfless person until her. I would do anything for her. Her laugh brightens my day and her presence brightens my life. I could not imagine my life without her and I appreciate her even more because of how hard we had to work to get her here. I am thankful for how much she has taught me already. She has taught me to appreciate the smalls things in life again. Something as little as a smile, or rolling over, or playing with your feet. It's like the most amazing thing for her which makes it equally as amazing for me. Being a parent is an amazing gift, whether it be your biological child or an adopted child, it is equally perfect. Emma is my angel and I express my gratitude to my Heavenly Father for her everyday.
I am thankful for my family. Both my family and my in-laws. They have done so much for me and my family and I couldn't thank them enough for it. I truly have amazing parents, though I was a bratty child/teenager and acted like I didn't care, they really did teach me a lot and I am able to face my life with confidence because of them. You never really appreciate your parents until you become a parent yourself. I wish I could've known then what my mother went through to bring me into this world, I would've been more respectful and appreciated her more. Thank you mom for raising me and thank you dad as well. Thank you for working hard for us and for being so loving.Also, thank you for being amazing grandparents to Emma. I know you wish you could be with her all the time but the little time you're able to are always great and memorable and she will appreciate it as she gets older. I am thankful for my brothers and for the comedic relief they give me. They are so great and have always had my back and I am so appreciative of that. They always make me laugh and are a great example to me. I am grateful for my inlaws, they did a fantastic job raising my husband. They made the man of my dreams and I will be forever grateful for that. I appreciate everything they have done for our little family. They have helped us through a lot and I couldn't be more glad. They are wonderful grandparents to our child and show her great love and care. I am grateful that they watch Emma for me a couple of days a week so that I may work and help provide for our family and get Dallas through school. I am also thankful for my brothers in law and sister in law! They are so great and always make me laugh and treat me as if I am their biological sister and I love it! And last but not least I am thankful to my Aunt Kim for watching Emma a couple of days a week as well. She has been so helpful when she has no obligation to and Dallas and I couldn't be more grateful for it. She has been so loving to Emma and has been like a second mother to me. Thank you!
My heart is so full this holiday season and I am so excited to celebrate it with Emma! I can't wait to spend many more with her and with our family as it hopefully grows! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone! Remember to hug your families and express your gratitude for them.
Love you all!