This has been a ride! Pregnancy really is a wonderful gift that women have been given and I truly cherish it! But there are definitely some pro's and con's to pregnancy haha! I have loved every second of this journey so far. (Ok, not EVERY second) But, no body really warns you about the weird stuff that happens during pregnancy haha. Probably because they don't want to talk about it......I don't blame them. But, I am not one of those keep to myself kind of people! Let me tell you some of the "fun" stuff I've endured so far!
First of all I haven't had really any morning sickness! Thank heavens! I have had my moments where, if I don't eat something right when I'm hungry I get a little gaggy but nothing like, "Move out of the way! She's gonna blow!", type of stuff haha. I thank Heavenly Father for this blessing because I HATE throwing up and I HATE feeling sick. He probably knows that I'm a huge baby and that I will drive Dallas crazy with my constant whining and that I would probably use it as a constant excuse to not go to
I am exhausted! And I mean exhausted! I just want to lay around and sleep a majority of the time! Which, when I have free tim,e that's pretty much what I do. Thank goodness for an understanding husband. He just lets me. He probably knows that if he didn't though he'd receive my wrath and he has openly admitted that he is scared of me right now haha. Our house was a mess for a week because I didn't have the energy to do anything. I didn't even have enough energy to care. Normally our house is spotless but I just couldn't muster it up. (I'm looking forward to the nesting stage, not gonna lie). Thankfully Dallas has stepped up and taken over the wifely duties or it would look like an episode of Hoarders over here! Okay, maybe not that bad.
I am breaking out like I'm in high school again! Seriously! No one told me about that! I had to go figure out why that was happening! Thankfully it's just on my chest so no one can really see it but oh my gosh it is annoying! I haven't had a zit since high school and now all of a sudden it's zit city......yay......
I can't lay in bed for more than 15 minutes without having to pee. I mean I could go 2 hours without drinking anything before bed and it doesn't freaking matter. I lay down, I get comfortable, I have to get right back up and go pee! This is probably my most annoying symptom! Haha.
I have mood swings! Yesterday I was in a bad mood. Do I have a reason? Nope, I was just mad. And I didn't like people. But, Dallas says pregnancy really suits me. He says this is the best I've ever been with my mood and eating habits and such. I must have been an emotional mess before that! Sorry babe! haha
I'm not going to get started on the constipation. Just know it's there and it's not fun haha.
There are other symptoms that I'm not going to delve into because they can be uncomfortable to describe! haha. But yes, my chest hurts. Yes, I had to buy a new bra after just having got a new one 2 months ago because that one doesn't fit anymore. Yes, I have more.....cough, cough.......gas.....K, I think we're good! haha
We get to here Smush's heartbeat on the 13th and I am SOOO excited! I can't even tell you! And then Dallas and I have decided to go and get a 4D ultrasound to find out the gender around Christmas because we don't want to wait til 20 weeks because we are impatient!
Yes I have had cravings. A majority of the time I want cereal! I loves me some fries and mashed potatoes but I try not to give into those cravings too much. I love grapes, clementines, and pickles of course. I crave root beer a lot but, again, I try not to give into that one.
I hate meat! I can stand to eat chicken sometimes but anything else..keep it away from me! haha. I do not like sweets! Sweets like cakes, cookies, ice creams. All that good stuff that people love! Yup, don't bring it to me because I won't eat it.
I have been showing a little bit but it's not really obvious to anyone but Dallas and I. I'm not going to lie! I can't wait til I get a big ol' bump! haha!
We are so excited for this baby! We can't wait til we can hold them in our arms and take care of them! We love you all and are excited to take you on this journey with us!