So as you all know Dallas and I celebrated our anniversary on the 5th of March. We had a whole evening planned out. We went to Olive Garden for dinner and then we were going to go on a carriage ride around downtown and a few other things ;). Well, we got to Olive Garden and when we sat down to dinner I had this horrible pain in my right side and it was making me nauseous. But, I just put a smile on my face because it was our 1 year anniversary and I didn't want to ruin it. So I just shoved the dinner down and enjoyed a nice conversation with my husband and we left. As soon as we got into his truck I told Dallas that I was having this really bad pain in my right side and it was making me want to throw up it was so bad. He was concerned that it was my appendix to we rushed to the ER. The did a urine test and some blood tests and an ultrasound but they couldn't see anything since we had just finished eating and there was a wall of gas in the way of my right ovary and appendix. So, they sent me home and said to come back in the morning because based on my blood tests and temperature if it was my appendix it wasn't going to burst any time soon. We got there the next morning and it was a different doctor and he was kind of rude and dismissive so he did a blood test said my white blood cell count was fine and sent me home. I was frustrated cause I wanted to know what was causing my pain and they still never said it wasn't my appendix. So, we went to bed that night and I woke up with horrible pain and I threw up and I woke Dallas up and told him what was going on so he took me back to the ER. They did more blood tests so I looked like a heroin addict by that time and had a million bruises on my arms. It was awful. This time around they couldn't find a good vein and my one good vein was underneath a huge bruise so they didn't want to mess with it but after digging around in my arm for 30 minutes I was just like "OK! This is worse then just shoving the needle into the bruised arm and getting it on the first try!" So they went for that vein and my vein popped. Of course. So I just told them to give me a break cause it was killing. After about an hour they sent someone else in and she got it in on the first try. I was just like seriously?? Where were you 6 holes ago?? Anyway, they took me in to get a CT scan to see if it was my appendix. It was kind of scary cause I'm claustrophobic and I don't like tunnel things lol. Well anyway, they found a cyst the size of a tennis ball on my left ovary and it was causing pain on my right side. I was confused as to why they didn't see it during the ultrasound on the first day cause they could see my left ovary just fine....that would've saved us a lot of time, worry, and money. So, I was pretty angry about that. Thankfully though I didn't have to go into surgery and the cyst has shrunk so it's all good.
Just when we thought all of our troubles were over....
Dallas and I were driving home from school the next night when this huge snow storm hit. We couldn't see anything and there was snow all over the freeway. I had a bad feeling that driving in this was a really bad idea. Well we got to the spot on the freeway where the most accidents happen and I got all tense cause my bad feeling got worse and I just heard "Brace yourself." All of a sudden I hear Dallas yelling "Oh crap! Oh crap!" I look up and there is a Mustang that slid right in front of us and it was sideways. So I grabbed the door handle and gritted my teeth and BAM! We smashed right into his driver door going 50 mph. The airbags popped out and there was dust everywhere and a ringing sound and I could hear a faint horn. I couldn't breath and I could barely hear and I thought the guy we hit was dead. I looked to my left and I see another car losing control and coming right for my door so I started screaming but thankfully about an inch away from me they regained control and drove off. My side of the car was completely exposed to the freeway so I jumped into the backseat and put my seatbelt on cause my seatbelt broke from the accident. The car we hit was stuck to the side of our car so he and Dallas just rolled their windows down and started talking to each other. I was relieved cause the guy was alive. Dallas had hurt his back and my chest was hurting and so was my neck so they paramedics came and checked me out and asked if I needed to go to the hospital and I was said "Unless you think it's absolutely necessary. Otherwise, I don't want to go to the hospital cause I was there all weekend including last night!" So, they said I was fine and left. The next day I had a huge bruise across my chest and my neck killed. Dallas put his arm out in front of me and shoved my back into my seat so thankfully I didn't get full blast of the airbag and he didn't either. And the other guy walked away with no injuries. I felt so blessed cause it could have been so much worse and my car didn't get destroyed too bad but sadly since it was a German car it was too expensive to fix so they gave us money and we got a new car. :( My poor beetlejuice.
So that was how we spent our Anniversary weekend! lol We need a do over!!